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My Responsible Officer


We are here to help private sector organisations who are required to appoint a Responsible Officer (RO) under the Medical Profession (Responsible Officer) Regulations 2010 as amended for assistance with medical revalidation.


All organisations who are Designated Bodies under the Regulations are required to nominate or appoint a Responsible Officer, where they have a prescribed connection to one or more medical practitioners for the purposes of making revalidation recommendations to the GMC.


If you are a Designated Body, having a few doctors with whom you have a prescribed connection, you will find the process of appointing a Responsible Officer “in house” and putting in place the necessary systems and procedures costly in terms of both staff resources and money, as well as daunting from a logistical view point.

Doctor with Files


We can simplify the process by providing a coordinated and coherent system, which can address your statutory requirements relating both to appraisal and revalidation of medical practitioners.


We can do this by:


Supporting organisations in meeting their organisational readiness and revalidation obligations.

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Providing doctors with access to our exclusive Online Revalidation e-Portfolio service


Coordinating and monitoring essential data to ensure revalidation criteria can be met.

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Assisting in organisation of appraisal for medical practitioners by experienced, trained medical appraisers


Providing the services of a trained Responsible Officer who will accept nomination by your organisation as your RO under the Regulations


Advising on internal handling of matters relating to management of performance concerns of doctors and remediation.


Provide Colleague and Patient MultiSource Feedback (MSF) Assessments.


Putting in place the necessary policies, procedure and systems required to ensure that you meet your statutory obligations

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Helping doctors meet GMC requirements regarding revalidation of medical practitioners within your organisation


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